Presenters at the EM conference


Evaluation and Management Symposium: Virtual Conference

Healthcare Administration Alliance CEUs

Attending this conference qualifies you for up to 23 CEUs which are honored by the following credentialing organizations:


To request an official paper certificate for the E/M Bootcamp (Certificate of Completion - 5 hours) and/or E/M Symposium (Certificate of Attendance - 18 hours), please email us at


3 AAPC and AHIMA CEUs will be awarded to people who

In addition, this conference provides further training that includes 22 pre-approved AAPC and AHIMA CEUs.

PMI Credentials

Practice Management Institute® accepts CEUs associated with participation in this Healthcare Administration Alliance conference toward the recertification requirements for CMC, CMIS, CMOM, CMCO, and CMCA-E/M credentials.

Each session is assigned 1.0 continuing education units.  One can earn up to 23 CEUs during this 4-day event.  PMI certified professionals are expected to claim only the actual hours they were present to participate and to post them on the online CEU tracker*Post your CEUs within 7 days of the event and you will receive a customized CEU certificate to retain for your records.